Election of Board Members

There are five (5) seats on the GCIFD governing board. Board members are elected to 4-year terms with two or three seats up for election every two years. For instance, two of the five seats were up for election in 2010 and three of the five seats were up for election in 2012.

If you are interested in running for a board position, contact Berta Ramirez (602-506-0938) at the Maricopa County Elections Department (MCED) to obtain an official candidate packet. This packet contains all the necessary forms plus a Candidate Handbook to answer your questions. Forms may also be downloaded from the MCED web page. You MUST file either a $500 Threshold Exemption Statement or a Statement of Organization with MCED BEFORE you gather any signatures on your nominating petitions, collect any contributions, or make any expenditures for your campaign.

Once you file one of these two documents, you can begin gathering signatures on the Candidate Nomination Petitions. A certain number of valid signatures are needed to qualify for the ballot; this number varies from election to election and is determined by MCED prior to the start of the petition-gathering time frame. It’s a good idea to get more signatures than you need in case some of them turn out to be invalid.